Why Prana is so important in food?

  • So if you guys don't know what prana is?
Our body has 72 thousand subtle (Cosmic) energy channels called naadi, through which prana (subtle energy) is flowing in our whole body and making our body alive. For maintaining the flow of prana in our body we eat food. 
  • So now the main question, why prana is so important in our food?
I would try to explain you this through an example, which was explained to me by my guru and to him by his guru.
One day my guru ji caught me while eating chips. He called me and asked me to dig in the ground and bury one rajma seed and some chips in the ground. Now he told me to water both of them... , i was thinking that why he is making me do these weird things like burying a chips and then watering it but then I did it. Now he asked me to wait for one week. After one week he called me there, where I saw that small tiny rajma plant coming out of the ground. But he asked me, "where is your chips" ? I was blank because I didn't know what to say. 
Then he told me lesson behind this, that as the rajma seed had the prana(life) in itself, so that it gave rise to the new plant which means more prana, but on the other hand your chips had no prana in itself, that's why it gave nothing which means it was dead, which will never help you to increase your prana. You can get energy through these things but your prana will not increase because those things which you are eating have no prana in itself. 
All the packed stuff have no prana in itself 
even meat also because you have taken the prana out of that animal and now you are eating it, that makes no sense. It is just that you are filling up your stomach for energy and muscles. 

Before getting this lesson i use to eat those packed food items and non-veg too, but after getting the lesson i became a proper vegetarian guy and i also don't eat chips now. 

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