
Why Prana is so important in food?

So if you guys don't know what prana is? Our body has 72 thousand subtle (Cosmic) energy channels called naadi, through which prana (subtle energy) is flowing in our whole body and making our body alive. For maintaining the flow of prana in our body we eat food.  So now the main question, why prana is so important in our food? I would try to explain you this through an example, which was explained to me by my guru and to him by his guru. One day my guru ji caught me while eating chips. He called me and asked me to dig in the ground and bury one rajma seed and some chips in the ground. Now he told me to water both of them... , i was thinking that why he is making me do these weird things like burying a chips and then watering it but then I did it. Now he asked me to wait for one week. After one week he called me there, where I saw that small tiny rajma plant coming out of the ground. But he asked me, "where is your chips" ? I was blank because I didn't know what to say...

How much important is being disciplined? In today's life.?

Hey guys, welcome to urs blog. In this blog we are going  to talk about discipline.  So the first thing in our life is discipline, which should be first but we are not considering it in first place. Discipline is not just about waking up early in the morning and hitting the bed before 10 o'clock. Discipline is the way to live which we can learn from Yoga. Yoga is not just about asana, and pranayama it is way beyond that, which we will talk about in another blog. Discipline includes everything, like.. How to sleep? How much should we sleep? when should we sleep? what should we do after waking up? when should we eat? when should we bath? and everything thing else that we do has a disciplined way to do it. When we start doing things in a disciplined way, life becomes healthier.  When one will start exercising everything in a disciplined way, he will face difficulties in the beginning but when he will try to be regular it will become a habit and then everything thing will be ...